Pickup service is provided to residents with active garbage service accounts at the address where the material is located. Material placed at the curb for pickup without an active garbage account are subject to fines under City ordinance.
All material should be placed in neat piles and separated. Material cannot be placed in the roadway, drainage ditches or blocking sidewalks. It also cannot be placed on top of or around storm water catch basins due to the possibility of the material being washed into the drainage system and causing clogs.
Limbs should be placed with the butt ends pointing in the direction of the flow of traffic. Limbs and trees with large protruding branches must be cut to allow them to be fed into the chipper. It is recommended that small sticks, pine cones, etc. be bagged for more complete pickup.
Leaves and large piles of grass clippings are picked up using a vacuum system and must be separated from other material. This material should be placed in neat piles close with no other material such as sticks, rocks, trash, and dirt intermingled with it due to the danger of clogging or damaging the vacuum system. Piles found to contain this material will be flagged and must be bagged for pickup. Leaves that are blown into windrows with blowers and extend the length of the property will also not be picked up. It is illegal to blow leaves and debris into the roadway. This is the leading cause of blockages in the storm drain system.
The City’s two leaf trucks run a continuous route around the City until complete and then start over. Call in work orders are logged but the material will be picked up when the truck gets to that part of town. Every effort is made to collect leaves as fast as possible but pickup times and frequency will vary depending on the workload and equipment availability (it can take up to two hours to disassemble and unclog a vacuum). It is advised that leaves be placed for pickup early around the holidays.
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The City does not pick up any garbage, building material, liquids, dirt or rocks. Building material includes lumber, scrap wood, tile, large pieces of carpet, cabinets, bathtubs, roofing, windows, doors insulation, etc.
Household appliances, furniture, mattresses and other items are picked up but it is requested that these items not be placed at the curb until just before pickup day, Monday and Thursday for most of town, and to not place these items out in the rain. It is requested that amounts of small items be bagged. Please place a warning on any mattresses containing bedbugs so they can be handled appropriately.
Loads of limbs and debris larger than an average pickup truck sized load will be charged an extra fee for pickup based on the quantity and will not be picked up until the fee is paid at City Hall.