Invitation to Bid
City of Eatonton
LMIG Road Resurfacing Project
The City of Eatonton is accepting sealed Bids from qualified firms, meaning a Prequalified Prime Contractor listed by the Georgia Department of Transportation, Office of Contract Administration, for all material, labor, tools, equipment, and other appurtenances for Local Maintenance and Improvement Grant (LMIG) Resurfacing Projects. All work will be done in accordance with the Georgia Department of Transportation’s Standard Drawings, Standard Specifications, and Pay Items Index for the construction and completion of the projects.
All bidders must comply with all general and special requirements of the bid information and instructions enclosed herein.
Sealed bids will be received at the Eatonton City Hall, 201 North Jefferson Avenue, Eatonton, GA 31024 until 11:00 AM, prevailing local time, on July 15, 2016, and then publicly opened and read aloud. All interested parties are invited to attend. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. No bid may be withdrawn after the closing time for the receipt of bids for a period of ninety (90) calendar days.
Bidding Documents are available at the Eatonton City Hall located at the above address. Bids shall be presented in a sealed envelope with the bid name (Local Maintenance and Improvement Grant Resurfacing Project – Eatonton) and the name of the company or firm submitting clearly marked on the outside of the envelope. ONE (1) ORIGINAL AND TWO (2) COPIES MUST BE SUBMITTED.
The Work generally consists of resurfacing and necessary patching of various streets within the City of Eatonton and all incidental work required. Resurfacing activities for the Base Bid include approximately 1.8 miles of Lower Harmony Road from US 129/US 441-Business to Eatonton City limits. As Alternates, the Work may also include resurfacing activities for Alternate #1, which include approximately 1.0 miles of Martin Luther King Jr. Drive from Rooty Creek Bridge to Eatonton City limits, and resurfacing activities for Alternate #2, which include approximately 1.0 miles of Oconee Street from 451 Oconee Street to Eatonton City limits.
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The Work shall be Substantially Complete within 90 calendar days from the date of issuance of Notice to Proceed. Liquidated damages of $100 per day will be assessed if work is not completed within 90 calendar days from the date of the Notice to Proceed.
Payment shall be tendered to the successful Bidder upon acceptance and approval by the City of Eatonton for satisfactory compliance with the general terms, conditions, and specifications of the bid; by completed services; verification of delivery of products; assurance that the product/service performs as specified and warranted; and receipt of a valid invoice.
The Award will be made to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder whose combined bid meets the requirements and criteria set forth in the advertisement for bids; provided, however, that if the bid from the lowest responsible and responsive bidder exceeds funds budgeted for the Work, the City of Eatonton may negotiate with such apparent low bidder to obtain a contract price within the budgeted amount. Such negotiations may include changes in the scope of work and other bid requirements. The City of Eatonton reserves the right to reject any or all bids and re-advertise, to waive informalities or irregularities, and to make an award as deemed in its best interest.
All contractors will submit with bid a bid bond, certified check, or cashier’s check in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid, made payable to The City of Eatonton, Georgia. The selected contractor will be required to submit a one hundred percent (100%) performance bond and a one hundred percent (100%) payment bond of the contract amount.
The City of Eatonton does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to its programs or activities. Any requests for reasonable accommodations required by individuals to fully participate in any open meeting, program or activity of the City of Eatonton should be directed to Gary Sanders, City Administrator, at (706) 485-3311.
This advertisement for Bids is intended to meet the requirements of O.C.G.A. §32-4-115.
Click to Download Complete Bid Package